Wednesday 28 November 2012

Why don't I get it

I was just sitting mind numbingly scrolling down my face book live feed and thinking why don't I get it with these people. I have about 200 people on my friends list and if I put a post in I will be lucky for one person  to click, like or comment. Then if they do comment its usually closed commenting, meaning there isn't much for me to respond too.
I keep thinking to myself, have I got people problems. My daughter was trying to go through names today of people she thought were my friends. She said you like ????, I said well, I do and I don't. I don't really know them to be honest. However she covered about 3 names and that was the total of my friends, strangers I meet on the street. I have never been so lonely and resistant to develop new friendship. I have lived a life of relapsing, which means people either died, moved on or left me behind.

I don't really know what I am writing, as all I am trying to do is stop myself over posting on facebook to no one who really has the time to care or get through my defences. I want to have friends but for some reason this area crushes all my motivation. Its living 200 yards away from my ex and sharing our daughter like she is a communal fridge.

I have stopped blogging on the facebook page under the same name as this one because people kept bitch slapping me and telling me my ex was taking the piss out of me. She is not and I am not anyones bitch.
Being involved with a your children after a break up is fucking hard and having people just say all the time be a man and tell her to fuck off, when I have been through that process a hundred times before with no great successful results is counter productive and not fucking helpful.

My daughter is with her mum tonight, I asked her mum to take her away for the night around about 3pm, it was either that or have her linger around my house for 3 hours sitting on her iphone, beep beep beeping. I am so wrapped up in this shit, I can't see the wood for the tree's.

maybe I have used up my time in life with all the surviving of hazardous situations I have scraped through. for what.

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